Saturday 7 December 2013


Morena koutou,
Today I am at Maketu with my whanau (family) I may live in Auckland but I am actually from Maketu,and Te puke just outside of Tauranga. I came here to celebrate my youngest brothers birthday he  is turning nine yeah!!!!! So if you are reading this please give a Happy Birthday comment to my little brother Joseph. My little brother is really tall, I'm only a centimetre taller than him and I'm eleven, OK enough talk about me If you haven't heard  Nelson Mandela (The first black south American president) Died last night I heard it over the radio last night travelling to Maketu, and Te puke. So  if you can comment below, And if you don't know who Nelson Mandela is buy the book or do some research for an extra class assignment and show your teacher, and who knows it might even be enough to give you a better report, Any way that's it for now remember to post comments below and share my blog with other people. I'm aiming for 450 page views please help me get there!!!


Thursday 5 December 2013

Kia ora,
I refreshed my blog and changed everything the colour the layout because I did'nt really like my blog so Me mahi ano ahau (start again!!!) So now I'm going to do weekly lessons in maori and monthly video lessons as well. Yeah so I hope you like my new blog, And the first lesson will be my name.......


Pa-(pa, as in*P*  *A*) re-(re, as in *R* *EAR*)
Pa+re=Pare= Pare means plume, A plume is a bunch of feathers bound together with harakeke (Flax). And it is received in a maori tribe by the cheif of the tribe. Different feathers from different types of birds mean different ranks so each feather is unique in its own way.

Ko-(ko,as in *K* *Ornament*) tu-(Tu,as in *T* *YOU*) ku-(ku, as in *K* *YOU*)
Ko+tu+ku=Kotuku=Kotuku means heron, A heron is a type of rank and I dont know what it is but I'll ask my dad.

Now try it all together
Pa-(pa, as in*P*  *A*) re-(re, as in *R* *EAR*) Ko-(ko,as in *K* *Ornament*) tu-(Tu,as in *T* *YOU*) ku-(ku, as in *K* *YOU*)
Pa+re+ko+tu+ku=Parekotuku= Plume of a heron!!!

I hope you can say it properly now because not alot of people can, And if you can you just earned a rank!
